Summer term started today! I'm taking two modules for the first term - GEK1512: Understanding the Internet and MNO1001: Management and Organisation. Need to clear my GEMs and SARTORs before heading to France methinks.
School is deserted if you can manage to ignore the seemingly unending tide of PRCs. Really feels as though I am doing an exchange program in China!
GEK1512 was ok. Read the timetable wrongly and actually got to class 1 hour too early. Must be the summer air.. Makes me do silly things like this. Anyway i took the opportunity to fly down to Central to run some errands. Turns out that I am part of the pioneer batch for this module. Well it seems to early to say anything about the module now but I certainly hope that I can score at least a B+ for this! Another thing about this module is that I may get to be in the same class as the white horse! *GASP* Yeah THE FIRST-BORN ALL-WHITE PURE BREED HORSE!!! Oh man is he real eccentric! His accent, the way he interjects in class, his hair-tugging, etc. Can't help but feel a bit sympathetic for him.. Dunno why, just feel that way. I hope he sticks around in class, then got more things to blog about in class. =D
MNO1001 was much better. Class was held in a nice executive conference room, tucked away in a quiet part of Business School. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I was appointed class rep, which means that I have to make all the photocopies for the class this entire sem. So much for being honest about year 2 Engineering (insider joke).
Not much to write now about school. But worth noting is that there are some cute girls in both my classes! Yeah not bad I guess if you wander out of Engineering. Heh. Will end off with Bryan Adam's Summer of '69. Quite inspirational, if you get what I mean. =)
Oh when I look back now
That was seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
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