"Not everyone is an ideal candidate for LASIK surgery. LASIK may not be appropriate for certain patients; however we have an extensive range of tests to determine if you are a suitable candidate for LASIK." - brochure from LSC.
For once, I was glad with just being average.
Went to LSC in the morning and went for the LASIK suitablility checkup, and was back again in the for my surgery. Yep, it was that quick. I felt like a lamb being herded around at an abattoir. And I had to pay $2500 to be butchered!
At least the eye candy was good.
So anyway the entire procedure was fast, fuss-free and painless (somewhat). The most uncomfortable feeling of the evening was from the suction cup sucking on my eyeball, and not from the laser zapping away at my corneas.
Burnt corneas smell like bak kwa. Not nice, but a necessary evil if you want to see better.
It was all over in 10 minutes. Forget the part about the procedure being painless. The surgical tape used to hold my eyelids in position adhered very nicely and tightly to my face and peeling them off was mega ouch! Think they plucked off some eyebrow hair as well. And unfortunately there was no mishap with the laser and all I can look forward to now is normal 6/6 visual acuity; no misfiring/mis-calibration of the laser/exposure to krptonite and therefore no x-ray vision/nightvision/superhuman powers. Unless you consider increased light sensitivity a superpower, then yes, I was an accidental mutant for a day.
So anyway I went home tearing and wearing the humongous eye shields provided by the clinic. It made me look like a giant wingless insect and not surprisingly people stared. Ironically, it was the aforementioned surgery which enabled me to see their puzzled stares more clearly. Oh well at least the taxi stand was not far away and soon I was back to my dark cocoon at home which provided my zapped eyes some rest and my embarrassed soul, some respite.
Woke up today with my eyes already feeling much better. Went for my first review and the doc said that I have 6/7.5 vision with some astigmatism still lingering about in my left eye. Hmm not bad considering that I have been wearing wearing optical aids for like the past 18 years of my life.
As with any surgery, post-op care is crucial to the overall success of the operation so I'll be going under the radar for the next few weeks. No swimming, biking, running, clubbing but I'll be back soon.
And yes, then I'll be able to spot you amongst the crowd! =D
2 commentaires:
u look good in those! you should wear them every day
cb.. i will wear those and headbutt you! =D
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