mardi, février 12, 2008

pineapple-tart monster

Came back from biking today and I swung by my mailbox and sure as hell there it was: A nice beaming newly-pasted note informing me that I had "un colis à retirer à l'accueil". Super! Went up, showered, went down to reception, got my box, and came back, all in record time because it was just what I had been waiting for! First views of it inside my room:
sitting pretty waiting to be undressed

attn: ME!!! =P

ta-dah: mom's neat packaging

Let's see what's inside!
pineapple tarts!

kueh boulu!

kueh bangkit!

love letters!

almond cookies!

roasted cashew nuts

japanese curry!

and even japanese salad as well!!!

As a practical joke, my parents even added a note:
can last for 1 month but try to finish ASAP

I mean like they could have written "Can last for 1 month so take your time with them", or "Can last for 1 month but try to share them with your friends", but they wrote "... try to finish ASAP"? Do I even need to try to finish them ASAP? Heck, even as I was taking the photos I was already eating the goodies! Grrr... I am the pineapple-tart monster! Seriously how do you stop eating such sweet and tempting delicacies? You start with one, and before you know it, they're all gone! o_O

Anyway thanks dad and mom for sending all the CNY goodies!!! You guys rock! The tarts are so squishy and the cookies are so munchy! One thing though: The kueh boulu bottle cracked (I think due to too many things in the parcel), so when I opened the box the bottom was covered in a layer of kueh boulu powder. I had fun sucking up the loose bits though! =D

And that is not the end of our story today. My very good friends Grace and Mel also sent me stuff! Grace sent me some stuff from TBB and other assorted sports stuff as a present whilst Mel helped me get my running shoes for IM Suisse. Thanks guys!!! You guys are great! =)
thanks Grace for the cassette and the goody bag!

thanks Mel for the Pearl Izumis!

Last but not least my parents had to include (yet another) CNY card as well. A nice gesture to top off the entire CNY resupply box! =)
that is a rat and not a pig if you're wondering..

Alright, I'm going to enjoy my goodies now. Yes, they're all mine.. ALL MINE! MY PRECIOUSSS... WAHAHAHA..
*munch* *munch* *munch*
*munch* *munch*


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