Me (M): Bonjour, j'habite à 5206, et ma siège de toilette est en panne. Est-ce que vous pourriez faire des réparations? (Hi there, my toilet seat is spoilt. Can you repair it for me?)
Acceuil (A): Non. (No.)
M: Mais vous vous occupez des mobiliers et des logements! (But you guys are in charge of the furnishings here!)
A: Vous pouvez me dire ton problème, mais ce que nous pouvons faire c'est le jeter pour vous. Est-ce que vous voulez le faire? (You can tell me your problem, but all that we can do it to dispose of the toilet seat for you. Would you like to do that?)
M: Et après vous échangez une autre pour moi? (Will you change a new one for me after that?)
A: Non. Ça c'est ton problème déjà. (No. That would be your problem.)
M: Je n'ai rien compris; Après vous jetez ma siège, vous ne remplacerez pas une autre pour moi? Et donc je n'aurai pas une siège de toilette après? (I don't understand; After you throw away my toilet seat, you will not replace a new one for me, then I will not have a toilet seat then?)
A: Oui, mais vous pouvez l'acheter au magasin de bricolage. Elle ne sera pas trop chère. (That's right, but you can always buy one at the DIY store, it will not too expensive!)
M: Erm.. Je vais voir. Merci quand même. Au revoir! (Erm.. I'll see, thanks anyway and goodbye!)
I can't believe it! Do they expect me to buy a toilet seat? And at the end of the semester, do I bring it home with me? O_O Not that I damaged it on purpose; I am not that heavy and plus I do not sit or stand up very forcefully: I swear that it just came loose one day! Merde.. The lady at the reception was looking at me with such suspicious and accusing eyes that just screamed "toilet seat destroyer" at me. To clarify: I DID NOT DO IT!!!
Anyway I fixed it up with some electrical tape; Hope it holds and I will not fall into the bowl: The would really mean the premature end of my Berlioz toilet service! =P
Meanwhile, looks like Singapore has her fair share of toilet problems as well. Maybe Mat Selamat Kastari was pissed that the toilet seat in the toilet was spoilt too, and he thought that he would do a good deed by going out to buy a new one. =)
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