jeudi, octobre 28, 2010

the death of me

the only times i would wish for rain is during times like now. yes now - when i'm cooped up sick at home and unable to go for a run, tennis, whatever. if i can't have it you guys are not going to get it either!

being sick at home on a fabulous day is a bit like a child who has been left behind. the feeling of loss and loneliness as the outside world cruises along in the brilliant green.

surreal to be at home for 4 days now. still running a slight fever and blood test results are going to be out this evening.

lundi, octobre 25, 2010

like a sick chicken

die. have not felt so sick for such a long time already. cough, sore throat, runny nose, tummyache, fever; you name it, i have it: all the symptoms of full-blown flu.

saw a doc yest and got 2 days of medical leave. but argh i still had to go back to work today. not that i'm complaining, but why did it have to be such a coincidence. the medication made my head so woozy that i sure hope i didn't screw up the presentation just now!

going to call in sick tomorrow at all cost. might not survive to see wednesday if i don't do so.

samedi, octobre 23, 2010


forget about F1, the IRs and biotech parks; 10km-wide gigantic air purifiers are just what we need now to save singapore

dimanche, octobre 17, 2010


after about a year of windows-ness computing, that dreaded fenêtre is making a re-appearance in my tech toy list again.

yes, i caved in to work pressure and got myself a aspire one netbook yesterday. i had wanted to get myself an ipad, but after learning about how useless it would be work-wise, i decided to get a netbook instead. indeed, it seems that windows/openoffice is a must for any good public servant.

1.5 ghz intel atom n550 cpu
ms windows 7 starter edition
1gb ram
250gb hdd @ 2500rpm
10.1" display screen

but oh well at least its a lot cheaper than the ipad and it would be less of a bitch typing-wise. and it boots on android as well, so at least there's still some hope.

*update on 181010*
damn i realised with a piece of shit i bought. the ms7 starter edition means that windows deliberately locked lots of features just to force people to upgrade to the ms7 home edition. never have i ever had to hack into the registry just to change my wallpaper! and what's up with all the trialware? thanks microsoft, for screwing yourselves up; with such retarded marketing practices, its no wonder apple is where they are today. end of rant.

jeudi, octobre 14, 2010

survival of the fittest

so i was driving home from the bowels of sungei gedong, along tengah airbase, when i saw those ubiquitous white blinking lights: it was a solitary biker on a tri bike zipping down the gedong highway. it was a sight all so familiar yet so foreign.

i tried to recall when was the last time i had cycled down the same route - maybe about 2008 perhaps?

then i realised that with the increasing workload and/or other commitments, i was or am probably the fittest that i will ever be already. as it was, i was driving home from a meeting at 2230hrs and not yet had dinner; i can't even recall when i last drove home in daylight! so tell me, how to have a proper training regime? nowadays, i just try to squeeze in an hour's gym at the end of the day whenever i can make it. and maybe tennis on the weekends.

i wonder when can i ironman again.

samedi, octobre 09, 2010

mission impossible

il voudrait tellement que j'aille le rejoindre
mais je ne le puis même si je le voulais
qu'il n'aille pas s'imaginer qu'il est le moindre
sait-il seulement que bien loin je me trouvais

dans l'or du beau soleil de cet après-midi
j'ai le cœur brisé au plus profond de mon âme
de penser qu'il trouvera le temps infini
peut-être croit-il qu'à l'horizon, je me pâme

pourquoi pense-t-il que mon silence est cruel
car pour moi, parler n'est pas très habituel
mais il faudrait mesurer la température

le mystère peut permettre encore l'espoir
un jour se rencontrera-t-on dans la verdure
mon ombre ne va-t-elle pas le décevoir

vendredi, octobre 08, 2010


_ ___Where's

_________________ _________________YOUR

______ _______ hèad


____________ ?

mercredi, octobre 06, 2010

excuse moi, mais où est la toilette?

ok, so its official: i have the runs. what is it caused by? i dunno. could be gastric flu, food poisoning, or alcohol poisoning. or any permutation of the above.

the only thing i know that my sphincter muscles have not felt so loose in awhile now.. ahhh.. the feeling of anxiety in looking for a toilet then the relief thereafter. priceless.

mardi, octobre 05, 2010

we. ek end.

and so i'm back already from my weekend bangkok trip. 4 days and its never enough anyway. always new things to discover, new experiences to be had and new friends to be made.

in a parallel alternate universe i wish i could be thai. hey, what's not to like about them? they are friendly, have an unique language of their own, have royalty, protests, a proper surface area for a country, great shopping, fantastic curries, cheap beer and alcohol in general, cute girls, exotic islands, and the list goes on.


was amazed though to find out that so many things had happened over the weekend as well, mrs lee kuan yew's death notwithstanding. oh well at least she's finally free from her locked-in state since 2008. i remember reading le sépulcre et le papillon, and i was both amazed by the author's determination to live on yet sad that he had to carry on with his life in his physical body prison for 2 years. my brother also was briefly locked-in during his illness, and i remember him tearing almost everyday from the frustration of being unable to move.

what would you do if you were locked-in? i think i would not even last a weekend because without movement, life would have lost all meaning for me.