dimanche, novembre 30, 2008

about jeremy

All shrimp are born as jeremy, but gradually mature into females.
Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with jeremy!
An average beaver can cut down jeremy every year!
Jeremy is actually a mammal, not a fish.
The patron saint of jeremy is Saint Eugenie!
There are roughly 10,000 man-made objects the size of jeremy orbiting the Earth.
The condom - originally made from jeremy - was invented in the early 1500s!
Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and jeremy has 7.
It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to jeremy!
Bees visit over three million flowers to make a single kilogram of jeremy.

thanks to the mechanical contrivium for the enlightenment, never knew jeremy was so interesting.

lundi, novembre 24, 2008


Sometimes, its not that difficult to fall in love with you again. Its ok, you don't have to be able to grunt as well as Sharapova, be amidextrous, wrestle with a bear, like beer, graduate magna cum laude, run a 9:14 2.4km or even need to speak French.

You just have to be you, and that's enough for me. =]

dimanche, novembre 23, 2008

important life lessons #1884

The more you cannot train, the better the weather will be.


mercredi, novembre 19, 2008

chez elle

quand j'allais chez elle

j'avais pas compris, ce qui se passait dans ma tête, j'avais pas compris

quand j'allais chez elle

Céline attend, attendait, attendue. la nuit docile glisse dans son iris; j'étais fou. de cet humidité, qui m'agite et me trouble. j'étais fou

de cette pluie

quand j'allais chez elle, j'ai pris des escaliers, j'ai pris des ascenseurs.

mais où était ma raison?
mais où était la sonnerie?
mais où était sa sœur?

lundi, novembre 17, 2008

we just don't care

Mundane surroundings really can be quite nice sometimes, if you look hard enough.

After a night-time torrential downpour, Bukit Timah looks like its part of the Alps already. And I feel as though as I'm finally home.

And oh, I just love how this seems so carefree.. I'm really in a come what may mood now; must be due to the examination season.

Let’s go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we’ll go too far
We just don’t care
We just don’t care
We just don’t care

You know I love it when you’re loving me
But sometimes it’s better when it’s publicly
I’m not ashamed, I don’t care who sees
us hugging and kissing, a love exibition, oh

We’ll rendezvous out on the fire escape
I’d like to set off an alarm today
A love emergency don’t make me wait
Just follow, I’ll lead you
I urgently need you

Let’s go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we’ll go too far
We just don’t care
We just don’t care
We just don’t care

Let’s make love,
let’s go somewhere they might discover us
Let’s get lost in lust
We just don’t care
We just don’t care
We just don’t care

I see you’re closing down the restaurant
Let’s sneak and do it when your boss is gone
Everybody’s leaving, we’ll have some fun
Oh, maybe it’s wrong, but you’re turnin’ me on
Oh, we’ll take a visit to your mama’s house
Creep to the bedroom while your mama’s out
Maybe she’ll hear it when we scream and shout,
but we’ll keep it rockin’ until she comes knockin’

If we keep up all this foolin’ around
We’ll be the talk of the town
I’ll tell the world of our love any time
Let’s open the blinds
‘Cause we really don’t mind

Oh, I don’t care about propriety
Let’s break the rules, ignore society
Maybe our neighbors like to spy, it’s true
So what if they watch when we do what we do

Let’s go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we’ll go too far
We just don’t care
We just don’t care
We just don’t..

truth is like chocolate:

a little bit is pleasurable, but too much will kill you.

vendredi, novembre 14, 2008

w eek end

Yaay le weekend déjà!!! =)

Mais.. il signifie que les examens arrivent bientôt aussi. Bleah Je ne les aime pas. Pas du tout. Je sais pas pourquoi, mais je n'ai jamais vraiment réussi dans n'importe quel contrôle. =(

En rétrospective, je pense que je n'ai jamais aussi tenter mon mieux: le sens des examens sont toujours perdu sur moi. Pour moi, c'est la performance réelle qui est plus important, mais bon j'accepte qu'il faut avoir un moyen de distinguer les bons et les moins-bons.

Bon ça explique aussi ce stress qui augment doucement mais surement pour moi. Comment rester positive avec un FYP indéfinissable, 3 contrôles, 2 projets et 1 essai à compléter en 3 jours?

Dans ce cas-là, je crois que c'est pas la peine de continuer avec ce blog ou de jouer le tennis demain. Après tout, c'est le weekend n'est pas?

mercredi, novembre 12, 2008

tools of the trade

cervélo p2c

babolat aeropro drive

pearl izumi surge

hoegaarden white

a winsome smile.. =)

Next up: salsa classes!!! Who's up to join me for dance classes?

mardi, novembre 11, 2008


damn forget about shopping for winter stuff here in Singapore. its damn expensive.

went to shop for some winter stuff today, went into Celio and saw this same ol' scarf which they sold in France for €20, but retailing for SGD59 here!!!

it can't be that we have to pay for extra shipping charges since I'm pretty sure that the above-mentioned item was made in China; and China-Singapore is definitely a lot closer and cheaper par rapport à China-France. maybe winter shopping is considered a novelty here in tropical Singapore so it warrants a higher price. whatever it is, i'm leaving my winter shopping to Nihon-land.

in other news, i have perfect eyesight now. 6/6 after 2 months of convalescence. yaay.

vendredi, novembre 07, 2008

week 13

So its already the penultimate week of the first semester. Amazing how time flies.

Had quite a terrible week in school, with tests, presentations and whatnot. I'm happy its all over, but I'm not looking forward to the exams though.


Went down to the wind tunnel today to tie up some loose ends before I hand it to the DSO peeps. Dang that stupid place has given me so many backaches and sleepless nights but well now it feels like somebody's taking away a part of me. Is it possible to feel jealous over a machine?

Injured my wrist during tennis so guess I'll be lifting more weights in the meantime.

And I've been thinking of doing a revamp of the site. Maybe after the exams. Feel like doing something.. erm something more professional or what. And writing more substantial stuff. Haha. Anybody knows of any nice blogger templates, or how I can port my past blogspot entries over to other servers?

lundi, novembre 03, 2008

100 mots

J'ai tellement peur de te perdre. Tu ne sais pas, et de toute façon ce n'est pas possible que tu saches.

De la première vue, le premier email, le premier salut, je suis déjà fou de toi.

J'ai imaginé un futur proche de nous, baladons au bord de la rive gauche, allons au ciné. Tu me racontes de ta vie à Paris, et moi, je caresse tes cheveux bruns en sentant le battement de nos cœurs.

Mais c'est quoi ce chagrin inconsolable de moi? La distance géologique? Ou le silence psychologique.

Et puis tick tock tick tock tick tock tick.


when the skies are dark,
the stars shine brighter.

gotta hang in there.. gah.