mardi, février 08, 2011

open transfer window

time and space sure worked to the advantage of torres

feeling topsy and turvy this week. actually it started from last week, before cny. the incongruous sms from the pa enquiring if i would be free on the 7th for an interview was the first sign. i thought nothing much of it during the holidays - after all, this was the military and we all know what happens to rumoured postings right?

that's right, they stay as just that: rumours.

then i went for the interview and found out a bit more about the situation. i was still not hoping much for anything, because i had not heard anything firm yet from anyone. plus, i did not know how many other candidates were there for the post. were there other people vying for the post as well? was this just a weak attempt at "fair employment"? and, of all the people in the world, why in the world would they choose me?

but an email came, confirming that i had indeed been shortlisted (and possibly selected) for the post. with effect from XX 2011. yippee i thought, but i also wondered how in the world would i be able to make the move, especially with all the upcoming ops and with me being the only one around to see things through.

true enough, another email came swiftly enough, not to block but to postpone. well, ok its not that bad but now i think the post might go to someone else who can post in earlier because as a boss, how can you justify leaving a post vacant for several months while waiting for a particular chosen one to arrive? well, exceptions are possible if you are an overseas scholar, but i'm not and that's another story for another day.

sigh. i hate this time and space thing but it seems to be the reality everywhere.

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