samedi, décembre 01, 2007

la violence à Grenoble

I know that I may a little slow in posting this up, but do check out the violence that has erupted in Grenoble over the past few days. Looks like things have taken a turn for the worse, especially in the past few days. Time has shown that desperate people are aggressive people, and sometimes things spiral out of control before we know it. Although I may or may not agree with the reasons behind the blockade of the universities, I must say that I respect the students for daring to stand up and make their voices heard, to stand up and be counted, and to fight for their own rights. Trust me, it takes alot of determination to be out there in the freezing cold at 630am in the morning (the time of the attack). =P

And to everybody back home, dun worry - Life continues as per normal in Jeremyland, and as much as I would like to demonstrate my solidarity, the cold and my classes are preventing me from doing so.. Ha.

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