mercredi, mars 05, 2008

les elections

Looks like election fever has hit Grenoble! The municipal elections are slated to be held here for the next two weekends, and there has been a fair bit of campaigning on both camps. Interestingly, Grenoble has traditionally been leftist, something which I had not known about before. Anyway Sarkozy's UMP has sent in quite a young upstart to challenge the incumbent M. Destot for the seat of the capital of the Alps, so I do not really expect much changes come 16 March.

But first up, school elections are up this Friday! The Campagne BDE/BDS (Student council campaign) started last Monday and lemme tell you how they do it here (I don't even know how they do it in NUS!). In INPG, you get 2 lists of complete student councils, and they spend tonnes of money and organise loads of activities and basically just do anything/everything to campaign for their team. And whoever wins, the entire team is installed as the next student council. Sounds familiar? Its one freakin' huge GRC battle lah!

The two competing teams:
cuite ou double (my preferred one)


Here's also a logo of the new BDS. There's no elections for this one surprisingly: It is just going to be a changing over of committee.

And no, while it may sound political, there is absolutely nothing professional about the entire campaign. Instead of rallies, speeches and debates to judge the quality of the future BDE, we have crazy parties with the potential council members competing to see who can get the most drunk in the shortest period of time or who can pull off the craziest stunt. Madness, I tell you.

As if to cater to the only (hungry and greedy) Singaporean there as well, there's been free breakfast and lunch EVERYDAY (for breakfast only though)! Sadly I do not have that many morning lessons this semester but it still makes going to school that bit much easier on the mornings when I have to! =D

kfet apérocube

crazy xavier getting piss drunk again

free food!!! =D

Other than all the crazy soirées and repas gratuites, there's been quite a lot of freebies as well: FHM magazines, goody bags, class raid sessions where the entire team just storms into classes and starts interrupting and campaigning and giving away huge bags of sweets and so on..
campaigning in the middle of lectures

totally irrelevant but totally important poster in school

Hmm.. Who should I vote for on Friday? =P

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