mercredi, janvier 17, 2007

hard talk at hard rock

Hi there! Just back from the Deca-IM Sharing session at HRC.

Well, most of the triathlon community was there, with the aim of hearing about the crazy exploits of Harn Wei and what drives the man. Well, shan't tell you about the details (hey, we all paid $18 ok?), but HW delivered his presentation in true professor style! Haha. Wonder how many modular credits will TRI101 or IM2101 offer? =)

Well I managed to bike in the afternoon, thanks to a break in between classes. Wow the weather was so hot! Went down to Tengah to do sprint intervals, and had to stop every 2 loops! Did 5 in all, and I'm glad that I improved with every lap! Weather's been good these few days so taking the opportunity to do more, especially in the afternoons (Langkawi simulation).

Think I'll just end off today's entry here. Need some sleep. Nights!

HW giving out numbers for the next 4D draw

sharkie unveils his battle plans


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